Black Grouse Lek Workshop


Perthshire - 2025

Black Grouse are stunning, secretive birds with a thrilling courtship display. Extremely sensitive to disturbance, it can be a challenge to photograph them, but with the right set up, it’s an unforgettable experience.

Black grouse leks are mesmerising, dramatic spectacles. The first time I encountered a black grouse lek, I couldn’t believe all the action going on around me. Hours before the sun came up, I sat in the dark, hoping I was in the right place.

Before too long, the unmistakable bubbly popping calls began, and I could hear the sound of flapping wings as the cocks arrived at the site.

As the sun came up, it was an incredible experience to watch the strutting and the parading, all males vying for the female’s attention as they looked on. It’s not always comfortable to be in position for photography for the duration of a lek, but it’s always worth it for such a full sensory experience. 

Why Photograph a Black Grouse Lek?


What to Expect

This is a group workshop. We will meet at a pre defined location approximately 3 hours before sunrise. We will have a quick briefing and there will be time to ask questions as we drive in my car closer to the lek. There will also be plenty of time to chat on the walk up to the hides. 

There is a track all the way to the lek, but it can be a bit bumpy so sturdy footwear is recommended. Walking time will be approximately 25 minutes, reasonable walking ability needed. To avoid disturbing the birds which could impact their breeding success, we will be in the hides until the lek has finished, approximately 2 hours after sunrise. Please be aware that you will need to stay in the hide for the entire time which could be up to 5 hours.   

During the lek, you will be in your own hide. I recommend a lens focal length of 300-600mm. The default setup will be for front lit images (with the sun behind us), however prior to the workshop, depending on light and weather conditions, we can confirm whether to proceed with a front lit or back lit hide set up. If you’d prefer a back lit set up, we can agree this in advance. 

Temperatures in April can be unpredictable. Frosty mornings can be great for photographs but it can get cold, especially when lying still for periods of time. I will give a weather update prior to the workshop, but I do recommend bringing extra layers and anything you might need to stay comfortable while inside a hide for 3 to 5 hours.  

As we must not disturb the lek, we need to remain quiet during the session. I will ask you to put your phone on silent or turn it off. We won’t be able to speak during the session, although in the case of an emergency we will abort as per the briefing which I will run through with you prior to the workshop. 

While we will focus on black grouse during the workshop and your time in the hides, we might also see red grouse, deer, other upland species and raptors such as red kites and buzzards are common. 

"I had the pleasure of attending the Black Grouse Lek workshop (April 22) with Espen."

The organisation, communication and the planning of the workshop was brilliant prior to attending. It was relaxed, easy going and very informative pre workshop when we were walking to the site. The use of the hides and location was fantastic. We had a clear morning and the light was fantastic. With over 3hrs of the lek I was more than happy with my results. I cannot recommend enough"  


"Thank you very much for the Black Grouse Lek experience."

I thoroughly enjoyed the whole experience of walking in in the dark and then hearing the Grouse arriving and calling just as the sun was rising. The Grouse put on a good show and I thoroughly enjoyed watching and photographing their antics from the hide. I look forward to booking next year.

K Daly.



Perthshire - 2024


£225 per person per day (max 3 persons per day)


Price & Itinerary includes / EXCLUDES

I will provide the hides that we will be using when photographing the black grouse. The Monal, Hokki and the V6 with additional room will be used for the sessions and we will be lying down, so a ground mat will be useful to bring to be comfortable. The Hokki is a small hide only for lying down in and the V6 and Monal are a larger hide with more space. If you prefer the larger hides please let me know beforehand as I will be putting the hides out the evening before. In the larger hides it is also possible to sit inside if you prefer.

What You’ll Need

  • Camera (ideally with silent settings)
  • Telephoto lens, ideally around 300-600mm focal length lens
  • Fully charged batteries (+ spares)
  • Spare memory card 
  • Beanbag or camera support (space is very limited for tripods)
  • Hiking boots or thermal wellies 
  • Warm clothing, extra layers and spare socks (Sleeping bag can also be useful)
  • Water, hot drinks and any snacks to keep you going. We cannot leave the hide so please also bear this in mind as there will be no comfort breaks during the lek.  
  • Anything else you need for comfort within the hide 
  • Head-torch 
  • Ground mat to lie on

Example Itinerary

(Exact timings depend on sunrise time of the day and I will email you closer to the date) 

  • 3am Meet for pre workshop briefing (near Dunkeld in Perthshire)
  • 3.10am Drive closer to hides in my car
  • 3.20am Walk to hide
  • 4.00am Enter hide and remain in situ until end of lek
  • 8:30am Leave hide when lek is finished 
  • Return to starting point for coffee and buns and post workshop briefing. 


What’s included?

What’s not included?

What if the birds don’t show up?

What if the conditions aren’t right?

What if I need the bathroom?

How do I book?

What’s included?

  • An incredible experience in the Scottish hills with this iconic species
  • Pre workshop briefing with guidance on conditions, photography and black grouse 
  • Use of hide
  • Post workshop briefing with coffee and buns

What’s included?

What’s not included?

What if the birds don’t show up?

What if the conditions aren’t right?

What if I need the bathroom?

How do I book?

  • Transport to and from the meeting place
  • Accommodation 
  • Insurance
  • Camera gear
  • Warm gear (sleeping bag can be useful to stay warm)
  • Editing services 
  • Water, Sundries and Meals 

What’s not included?

What’s included?

What’s not included?

What if the birds don’t show up?

What if the conditions aren’t right?

What if I need the bathroom?

How do I book?

If for any reason the lek doesn’t materialise, we will use the time for photography opportunities in the local area. 

What if the birds don’t show up?

What’s included?

What’s not included?

What if the birds don’t show up?

What if the conditions aren’t right?

What if I need the bathroom?

How do I book?

As with all outdoor and wildlife photography, sometimes the light or the weather conditions just don’t go as you want them to. We will talk about how to make the most of the light whatever the conditions, and how to look for composition opportunities and ideas to work with what you have. This is a dawn photography workshop, and we will decide ahead of the workshop whether to aim for front lit or back lit. There is also the possibility to book two days to try for both. 

What if the conditions aren’t right?

What’s included?

What’s not included?

What if the birds don’t show up?

What if the conditions aren’t right?

What if I need the bathroom?

How do I book?

Please note we will not be able to leave the hide during the lek. To ensure this, my strategy is to avoid diuretics (coffee) prior to the session to reduce the need to go, and I always have an empty bottle with me for emergencies. I understand there are welfare products available specifically for such circumstances which I’m sure Google can advise you on. I do recommend you stay hydrated but aware of the need to stay inside the hide until the lek is finished. 

What if I need the bathroom?


What’s included?

What’s not included?

What if the birds don’t show up?

What if the conditions aren’t right?

What if I need the bathroom?

How do I book?

To book your place, just select the date you wish. You will receive a booking confirmation and I will send further information closer to the date of the workshop. Or for more information please email Espen at

How do I book?

Get in touch if you have any questions


For more information please email espen at
